Category: Intellectual Property

Guiding Businesses

Importance Of Patent Registration For Start-Ups In India

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, start-ups in India face numerous challenges in establishing their presence and gaining a competitive advantage. To safeguard their innovative ideas and inventions, patent registration plays a vital role. Registering a patent provides exclusive rights to the inventor, preventing others from copying or reverse-engineering their products or inventions. This article…
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Importance Of Filing A Patent In India: Why Should You File A Patent? Why Is It Necessary?

Filing a patent in India holds immense importance and offers numerous benefits for inventors and businesses. Patents provide legal protection, ensure exclusive rights, and promote innovation and economic growth. This article will delve into the significance of patenting in India, taking into account the country’s social-economic conditions, startup culture, and avenues for support, such as…
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Importance Of Patent: Driving Business Success

Welcome to our blog post exploring the importance of patent in business. In this guide, we’ll provide valuable insights into the world of patent and how they can benefit your business. Patent play a critical role in gaining a competitive edge and safeguarding your valuable intellectual property. We’ll cover the definition and significance of patent,…
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Trademark Registration In The UAE

Welcome to the world of trademark registration in the UAE – a landscape governed by the UAE Federal Law no. 36 of 2021 and its Executive Regulation. In this guide, we’re going to walk you through the intricacies outlined in these legal documents, offering a step-by-step walkthrough for both local and foreign entities. Whether you’re…
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Startups: Terms And Conditions, Legal Documents For Your New Business

Introduction We encounter many questions from new startups. One of the frequent questions we receive is, “Is it legally required that my website have Terms and Conditions”? “If not, why do I need them?” If you have recently started a new business or have immersed yourself in the startup world, you may be wondering if…
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Importance of Trademark vis-à-vis artistic work in the media and entertainment industry.

A brief introduction on Trademarks and Artistic work Intellectual property is a creation of the mind; the property is intangible and provides the owner with some exclusive rights over it. The properties include literary, artistic or musical work; it can also include designs, scientific inventions, words, and even symbols.  The intellectual property rights are divided…
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Risk, Security And Privacy Issues Addressing Old Threats And Emerging Risks-Digital World

Our everyday lives move forward with the use of technology. The new and growing digital world is designed to make lives easy, better and solves our social problems. Although, it comes with its baggage of challenges and issues related to risks, security and privacy. Technology, with its growing developments, lacks immunity from devising any harm.…
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Intellectual Property Rights are essential assets for the growth and development of any economy. They refer to the legal right granted to the creations that have arisen from the intellect of a human. These rights are granted in order to encourage creativity and innovation by ensuring that the creators reap the benefits of the inventions…
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Exceptions To Copyright Infringement: Sweat Of Brow, Modicum Of Creativity, Fair Use And Fair Dealing

Copyright is an exclusive bundle of rights given to the author of a literary work. This allows the author to publish his work, transform it from one medium to another, and license his rights to others. If any other person uses the copyrighted material to his advantage without the express consent of the author, he…
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Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning And The Patent Process: A More Cost-Effective Tomorrow?

The notion of “time is money” was born in the factories of the Industrial Revolution. Since then, people have always strived towards greater efficiency, trying to achieve more in less time. As Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) and machine learning (“ML”) become more conventional, stakeholders to the global intellectual property (“IP”) system are gradually adopting these tools.…
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