
Guiding Businesses

Why Do You Require A Privacy Policy And Terms And Conditions For Your Website?

    When you are starting your business or launching a tech startup, you need to take a lot of steps to make sure that you successfully get your business off the ground and set it on a path that will bring you profit and help you meet the needs of your future customers. One…
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Suspension of IBC: Is it reasonable? What are the alternatives for MSMES to recover their dues?

SUSPENSION OF IBC: IS IT REASONABLE? WHAT ARE THE ALTERNATIVES FOR MSMES TO RECOVER THEIR DUES? The COVID- 19 outbreak caused an unprecedented economic slowdown around the world, and India is no exception. The profits of MSMEs have plummeted, and some have even ceased operations. To ease the burden on the MSMEs, the government of…
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In the last three decades of SEBI’S existence, there have barely been any convictions for insider trading in India. Does it indicate that stringent laws are required including augmenting the element of criminal liability to the existing laws?

  With the emergence of Capital Markets in the late 1970s, the government realized that several malpractices had also surfaced which aimed at exploiting the loopholes of the market. This realization led the government to introduce a body to help regulate the market and keep malpractices at bay. In 1992, the Securities and Exchange Board…
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To what extent can India mould the new world order in the background of the declining US and rising China?

After the II world war, an interconnected and systematised global order was created. This world order remained intact to a large extent regardless of a few hiccups in the last 65 years. However, with political scientists predicting the rise of a more closed world and economists writing off globalisation, a shift from the old world…
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Have The Global Bodies Become Redundant In The Light Of Their Spectacular Failure In Containing The Spread Of Covid? [Focus On WHO]

  Post the second world war, there was a consensus that all countries must work together to achieve equitable development on a global scale. The world became conscious of the need for a paradigm shift to international cooperation and transparency for a more peaceful future. This new understanding led to the rise of globalization and…
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Domain Name Monetization: An Indian Perspective to Cybersquatting

The Internet has its profound influence on modem business practices, especially intellectual property, is unmistakable. Unlike in the brick-and-mortar world where consumers purchase products and services in physical stores and thus have clear context as to where, what, and from whom they are purchasing, online consumers have far fewer certain indicators of origin.

India And The Freefall of Labour Rights In The Wake Of COVID: How far is it justified?

We celebrate May 1 as labour day as a tribute to working men and women. In contrast, in May, a few states in India curbed labor rights through an amendment in the labor laws as part of the campaign to make India self-reliant (Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan). The labor reforms are portrayed as essential to attract…
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Pandemic And Environment : A Hiatus In The Economic Activity Buys us Time To Recalibrate Our Growth Path, Where We Factor In The Environment Element To Create A Sustainable Future.

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has left the world in disarray. It has transformed the social landscape of the entire world. In the wake of this pandemic, India too has to face unfamiliar challenges. It has distressed the healthcare sector, which was caught unprepared to tackle thousands of Coronavirus cases. The lockdown has put…
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An advocate’s day, before the pandemic, consisted of several activities ranging from traveling to courts to representing their case in the courts and other related activities. A typical day for an advocate in recent times is a far cry from this. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, courts all over the country have limited their…
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SME and Data regulation: A Paradigm Shift CCPA bolstering privacy rights at the expense of SMEs?

Imagine your credit card details or other personal information flying all over the internet. You have no idea how this happened, only to realize later, some organization that you had transacted with is the source of the leak. Data is the new oil in the 21st Century, where the digital economy is growing by leaps…
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